Saturday, December 27, 2008

Are Cures For Warts Covered By Insurance?

If you have health insurance then you are covered for most health problems and visits to your doctor but some insurance companies will cover a cure for warts while other health insurance programs will not cover wart removal treatments.

Depending on whether your cure for warts is performed by your primary care physician or a specialist such as a dermatologist can be a determining factor as to whether or not your professional wart removal will be covered by your health insurance. While most insurance programs will cover visits and treatments by your primary care physician, some insurance programs will not cover specialist visits or may require a referral prior to performing a cure for warts.

Since they are ugly and unsightly, having warts removed professionally is a great option but not necessarily so great if you have to pay for it in the process. Be sure to give your insurance company a call to ensure that a wart removal procedure, or even the visit to the dermatologist, is covered. If you are unsure who to call you may want to consult your plan provider at your place of work.

Odds are your health insurance will cover your cure for warts but it really never hurts to check. To get in contact with your insurance company about wart removal call their customer service hotline, ask if the physician performing the wart removal is covered under your current policy and then follow up by asking about the procedure yourself. You will also want to ensure that any skin tests your doctor may recommend are covered as well. You may want to consult your doctor’s office by phone to determine what tests could potentially be requested. If your doctor requests a test be sure to cover your bases first before having the test performed.

Cure For Warts At Home

Millions of people every year develop a skin condition known as warts. Warts are growths that appear on the skin, often on the hands but can appear on many parts of the body. There are a few options for wart removal so you will have a few options to find a cure for warts at home.

Before you begin, it is wise to seek the help of a doctor or dermatologist before trying to remove warts yourself. You may even choose to have them professionally removed. More often than not the doctor or dermatologist will give you the same cure for warts as you would do at home, however they are trained in wart removal and have done this many times. If your insurance covers it, you would likely be better off having the professionals handle it.

If you prefer to find a cure for warts at home, you have a few ways of doing it. There are a few old fashioned methods of wart removal, using some herbal remedies that are more of an all around cure for skin rashes and bumps. Check the internet for a few wart removal options where you can find a bunch of how to guides that will walk you through the cure for warts step by step, so you know exactly what you need to do.

Typically everything you need to put together an herbal remedy for warts is already in your house, as most of them consist of foods, creams or mixtures you may already have in your cupboard or refrigerator. Finding a home remedy can save you a good deal of money, especially if your insurance doesn’t cover professional wart removal.

If you don’t feel comfortable with an at-home cure for warts, you should stop by your local drug or grocery store and check out some of the over the counter wart removal products. These products generally are inexpensive and provide step by step instructions on how to remove warts.

Often these over the counter products have been tested by government agencies such as the FDA, but if you are unsure consult your local doctor, dermatologist or pharmacist before trying any over the counter cure for warts.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cure for Warts Considerations

As discussed already on this blog, warts are growths that appear on the skin and need to be removed. They are very common and certainly nothing to worry about, but they are a bit gross and most people want to find a cure for warts as soon as possible. Before you try your own method of wart removal, you will want to keep a few things in mind.

First, you can remove your warts at home but that certainly isn’t your only option. You can choose to have a professional dermatologist or doctor remove them, or you can do it yourself. If you choose you can make your own herbal remedy with the help of an online recipe or through the suggestion of a physician, or you could use an over the counter wart removal product.

If you are trying a cure for warts at home, you will want to make sure you don’t just chop off the wart, this is the last thing you want to do. Simply cutting off a wart can cause an infection or permanent skin damage to your body, joints and skin. There are dozens of safer alternatives that are just as effective and will take care of the wart removal very effectively. If you are using an at-home, or over the counter method of wart removal, be sure to read the instructions and be sure to understand any risks associated with the product or remedy.

You will also want to be sure that your cure for warts at home is appropriate for the wart itself. For example, if you have a very large wart or a wart in a tricky location, such as genital warts, you would be wise to consult a professional as it can be complicated to remove genital warts and large warts. Also, some over the counter wart removal products can be ineffective for specific types of warts, be sure to read the instructions thoroughly.

If done incorrectly, it is very likely that your cure for warts will be unsuccessful so if you are looking for a 100% tried and true method of removing warts, consult your doctor or dermatologist before trying an at home wart removal method. More often than not the at home methods are unsuccessful, not because the products don’t work, but because the person does not properly administer the wart treatments.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when looking for a cure for warts. As mentioned, be sure to consult your doctor, dermatologist or pharmacist before attempting any at home wart removal, and if covered just have the warts professionally removed before doing anything rash.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Common Types Of and Cures For Warts

A lot of people have warts in this country, but even though they don’t cause any harm, they are ugly and we want them removed. Before trying to remove the warts yourself though, it is important to understand what type of wart you have and understand what cures for warts are available.

The most common wart is appropriately named “common warts” and odds are this is what you have. Typically common warts will show up on your hands or fingers and tend to come in either pairs or multiples. Common warts tend to be coarse and have a hard texture, feeling very rough and scratchy. They tend to appear near abrasions, which is one reason they appear often on fingers as fingers are likely to be scraped or cut. If you bite your nails you are also at a higher risk to develop common warts on your fingers.

Another common type of wart is called a “plain wart”, and is also known as a “flat wart.” Again, these types of warts do not discriminate and can be found on people of various ages and across all races and genders. These warts are typically softer than common warts and appear in groups of three or more. Plain warts are frequently caused by cuts from shaving.

Another common type of wart is known as a planter wart. Planter warts are often found on the feet and can be very painful. Planter warts are a frequent problem with professional athletes and can cause problems with their performance due to the pain caused. Planter warts grow inwards, rather than outwards like most other common types of warts, so they can be tough to spot immediately but the pain is a dead giveaway that you may have planter warts.

The last type of warts is known as genital warts. Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease that is spread through sexual activity and is spreading very rapidly. Unfortunately having protected intercourse does not protect you from genital warts, so a cure for warts is not as easy with genital warts as it is with other common types of wart.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What are warts? Is there a cure for warts?

Many people have problems with their skin every day. Typically the problem is not serious, although it can be major on occasion. You have probably experienced this problem many times already. The problem is warts, and odds are you will have warts on your hands, feet or other part of the body at least once in your life.
Warts are small bumps that show up on your skin. They are not cancerous, so they present more of an appearance problem than anything. Typically they are harmless, but since they are ugly we want them gone and gone fast. They can appear anywhere on your body, typically on hands or feet but can appear on back, face or chest just as easily.

Typically warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HVP) that is spread from person to person. What this means is you can develop warts just from coming in contact with other people who have warts, by shaking hands, touching or even coming in contact with items the other person came in contact with. That being said not everyone will develop warts just by coming in to contact with someone who has them, it is not always so easily transmitted. It all depends on your genetic makeup and your predisposition to disease.

Warts are an equal opportunity offender, they can strike kids or grown-ups, men or women and any race or age of person. Even though warts are harmless, they can cause pain from time to time, depending on where they are located. If the wart is in an area that is brushed often such as hands or feet, they could become raw and irritated, causing pain.

Having your physician remove your warts is a wise option although there are some effective at home methods of wart removal. Be sure your health insurance covers wart removals before visiting your doctor for a cure for warts. Since they can be considered cosmetic and not a risk for health problems, some insurance companies will be more stingy with their payment for treatment. Be sure your insurance covers them so you don’t have to pay out of pocket for the wart treatment.

If your insurance won’t cover your treatment, you can also visit your local pharmacy to pick up an at home cure for warts, or you could search the internet or ask your physician for an herbal remedy at home. Both can be effective but having a professional remove the wart is always your best option.